Yoyos That Represent A Personality Or Character Trait, Emotions, Feelings, Values And Beliefs
Can you identify yourself with any of these yoyos?
Tell us your story
FOXCITO(fox-see-to)A fast and sneaky yoyo fox. |
A kind friend of the yoyos.
BEAUTIFULCITA (beautiful-see-ta)
Feels beautiful inside and outside
Bubucita(boo-boo-see-ta)Although gets a lot of bubus it does not cry |
A girl yoyo that acts and feels very girly |
LUCITA(loo-see-ta)Is kind, caring, loyal and a good friend |
CLOWNCITO (clown-see-to) Clowncito likes to entertain other yoyos |
STRECHECITO(stretch-see-to)Strechecito likes to stretch around in order to help other yoyos |
FUSIONCITO(fushe-un-see-to)Fusioncito is very adaptable and can be mixed with other yoyos to create new things |
NINJACITO(ninja-see-to)Ninjacito is very sneaky and knows how to punch and kick to defend other yoyos and protect Yoyoland
Yoyo spirit Hopes and dreams A very spiritual yoyo |
A yoyo born out of
yoyoland who is different
Finds beauty in diversity like the many flowers in a bunch of flowers
We like yoyos