Friday, December 4, 2015

Introduction To Yoyos And Yoyoland

A Collection Of Magical Yoyos Stories

By Kids For Kids

A collection of magical yoyos stories
By kids for kids

The yoyos all started with 
a bug.When I was little I saw 
a bug. And I said "yoyo"!
Thats how yoyos were made.

Memories from our visit to Yoyoland

YOYOTREE(yoyo-tree)Yoyotree where yoyos cry and the yoyo princess and

prince help them get happy again

 Once upon a time, there was a yoyo named Babieta (babe-ee-ta).

She was sad because she could not fly. So she was crying under the tree by the river and then the yoyo princess and prince were flying the magic carpet.

The yoyo princess said, I hear a baby yoyo crying! So they landed.The yoyo prince asked the yoyo what is your name? 

My name is babieta.All I want to do is fly said the yoyo.Do you want to come on the magic carpet with us?

The yoyo princess asked.Yes,yes,yes! said babieta.After the carpet ride they told her how to fly and they flew happily ever after.

(snowy-m-ow -tun)
Snowy Mawntun is the name of the mountain

Magic carpet used to fly to yoyoland

Yoyoland's library

Character And Personality Yoyos

Yoyos That Represent A Personality Or Character Trait, Emotions, Feelings, Values And Beliefs

Can you identify yourself with any of these yoyos?

Tell us your story

FOXCITO(fox-see-to)A fast and sneaky yoyo fox.

               A kind friend of the yoyos.

       Feels beautiful inside and outside



Although gets a lot of bubus it does not cry 


  (fancy-dance-ee)   A fancy yoyo

   A girl yoyo that acts and feels very girly

LUCITA(loo-see-ta)Is kind, caring, loyal and a good friend

Clowncito likes to entertain other yoyos


(stretch-see-to)Strechecito likes to stretch around in order to help other yoyos

FUSIONCITO(fushe-un-see-to)Fusioncito is very adaptable and can be mixed with other yoyos to create new things

NINJACITO(ninja-see-to)Ninjacito is very sneaky and knows how to punch and kick to defend other yoyos and protect Yoyoland

Yoyo spirit

Hopes and dreams
A very spiritual yoyo

A yoyo born out of 
yoyoland who is different

Finds beauty in diversity like the many flowers in a bunch of flowers

A Yoyo that likes to write for other yoyos

Royal Yoyos

Royal Yoyos

Royal Yoyos help to keep Yoyoland safe, clean,healthy, full of joy and welcoming to visitors

Jelly Bean Isabella is a yoyo in training.She is the color red.The yoyo princess and prince are teaching her how to be a yoyo. She is growing wings and antennas. When she has wings she will learn to fly.

 The yoyo who guards the moon.

The yoyo who guards the sun.

Suncito was very nervous to go to school because he did not know any other yoyos. Then he decided to go out to meet other yoyos to make friends.

But how do you make friends?

Isabella's suggestion is: first you go to other yoyos and introduce yourself and ask them their name. Then you begin a conversation and get to know each other and become friends.

Lucas' suggestions: be good to other yoyos and this is how you make friends. You show them kindness and your loving from your heart to everyone in the school and this is how you make friends.

YAYIETA(yiye-ee-ta)Yayeita is the loyal and pretty queen of yoyos

kingseito wants to be yoyo king

Nature And Planet Yoyos


Once upon a time there was a yoyo named icesieto(ice-see-to).He
was sad because he could not play with his sister Firieta(fire-ee-ta).
So he was crying under the tree by the river When... the yoyo princess and
prince were flying the magic carpet just above.Just then the yoyo princess said
I hear a yoyo crying! So they landed. Then the yoyo prince asked the
yoyo,what is your name? The yoyo said, my name is icesieto.The yoyo
princess asked,why are you crying?The yoyo said my sister is firieta.If I
play with her, I will melt.The yoyo prince said you do have ice powers,
right? Then you can make an ice force field when you play with her said the yoyo 
prince. Good idea said icesieto! And they all played happily ever after.


SUN SHINE Yoyo of the shining sun

RAINZIETA(rain-zee-ta)rainzeita likes to play in the rain and to splash in pudles

rainbowseito likes the colors in the rainbow.
(joke:He likes rain and bows)

FLORESIETA(flor-o-see-ta)Floreseita likes to plant and pick flowers for bouquets


The yoyo who guards the sun.

Suncito was very nervous to go to school because he did not know any other yoyos. Then he decided to go out to meet other yoyos to make friends.

But how do you make friends?

Isabella's suggestion is: first you go to other yoyos and introduce yourself and ask them their name. Then you begin a conversation and get to know each other and become friends.

Lucas' suggestions: be good to other yoyos and this is how you make friends. You show them kindness and your loving from your heart to everyone in the school and this is how you make friends.


  The yoyo who guards the moon.

The Yoyo that keeps Yoyoland planets orbiting Yoyoland

Emotion Yoyos

   Gets a lot of booboos but, does not cry.
This yoyo wants to be strong


  (love-see-to)           Loves all the yoyos even if he does not like them


Life is a dance

Cares a lot, loves a lot, everyone wants to be his friend

Necheina was a normal girl, when she was lost as a baby.The yoyos
found her and took care of her. When she was older she grew wings!
She was the prettiest girl ever!

If you grow wings, where would you go?

brusesieto has a lot of bruses and is still happy and plays anyway
Can you choose to be happy using your power of choice?

heartsieta,a kind and caring yoyo

A playful calf
Do you have a playful personality?

This yoyo always chooses violet colors
Which one is your favorite color?

Has peace of mind, feels joy and contentment

A Yoyo family hug